I watched a few minutes of the video of Trump dodging bullets on stage yesterday and this is what I can't stop thinking about.

I have the image of him shaking his fist in the air shouting "Fight, fight, fight!".

What he means is don't stop fighting to preserve and protect what is good and right. He doesn't mean pick up your pitchfork and start a civil war, he means do the right thing and don't budge, don't lose hope that God is good and we have every reason to be optimistic and confident, and pumped.

Maha Rushie was always optimistic. He said he would tell us when it's time to panic. Guess what folks, he never said it.

I hope as a country we are inspired to greatness by the actions of people like Donald Trump, El Rushbo, Jesus Christ, and George Washington. May our kids see us do the right thing whatever the cost. And if we fail, may we get back up and try again.

What an exciting time to be alive.

Hey, if you agree with this go to my Printify store and buy one of my t-shirts and give it to someone who needs a little hope in their life. . CLICK HERE