I don't know why I'm doing this, I just found it interesting.

It's amazing there are people living alone like this lost tribe who are untouched by primitive man's tech and know-how.

Boy, that's no life for me really. I like having a civil society, with rules you can depend on, and rights and stuff.

It's interesting the Daily Mail article says it's the logging that pushed the Mashco Piro out of the jungle. And it's amazing the Daily Mail just happened to have a drone capturing live video of the whole event. I wonder if any of this could have been orchestrated? It looks like it was from a drone, but maybe it was from a boat on the river that they filmed them. It's hard to tell.

If you watch the video of them below you'll hear they recorded audio of them too. That's amazing. They must have mounted a camera on a pole, like a game camera, and filmed them unaware.

Do you notice there's no dogs or pets? You know why right? I don't think they do pets like we do here in the modern world.

I'm thankful for indoor plumbing, and toilets, and electricity. Those are some very tough people, and I respect their ability to survive as they do. We got to get the good news of the gospel to them before they get hooked on social media and pornography.

So let's go Christians, let's get some bibles in there.

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