It's clear today the libs are happy Trump is spending all this time hosting Laura Loomer, giving her photo ops, and flying her around on the Trump Air Fierce One.

They think she's going to erode his credibility. They think she's a deranged YouTube influencer with a tinfoil hat at home. She promotes the 911 "conspiracy theory" it was an inside job. She questions the long established narratives promoted in mainstream media and politics. They think she's a horse-faced bimbo that could do nothing but help their cause to defeat Trump in November.

But they are not smart. Trump is once again a step ahead.

You see, he can bring her out to say all the things he really can't. These are things that are considered outrageous by the left, untrue lies and conspiracies they say. But Americans know they are probably true. Take the 911 inside job theory. It is pure science those buildings could not have collapsed from the top down without explosives. It's just physics. So Laura goes out there and speaks truth, and Trump gives her a platform alongside him. He doesn't have to stray over into that crazy territory, but he can give her the ability to spread the truth without having to say it himself.

She's right you know. 911 was some kind of job. I think Trump is doing this knowing full well what it's doing. And if he wins maybe he'll do something about it or the American people will learn more of the truth.

Until then he'll let crazy Laura say it for him.

For being such a tough lady I'd love to give her an honorary T-shirt, that says "Hey, shut up. I'm still standing."